My brain needs some exercise… so I’m starting a blog.

Today is Thursday, which means it’s the day my inlaws come over to watch the kids. I get a few hours in the afternoon to run errands, maybe get a massage to recharge, and eat lunch by myself. I have two adorable little girls, ages 17 months and almost 4. I love them more then life itself, but singing “All around the Mulberry Bush” 17 times a day does not stretch my brain in the least.

Today during my few hours of quiet, I was thinking about my former life as a restaurant manager. I’ve been in the business since I was 17, and I fell in love with it right away. Working with the public was simultaneously exhilarating and terrifying. You never know who you would meet, how they would treat you, and where a simple conversation could potentially lead. In my years of serving the public, I have met some of my dearest friends, and have also filed restraining orders. It’s truly a rollercoaster of a career path.

I miss it. I miss thinking about interactions. I loved to analyze how I handled some of the tough situations I would get thrown into. I can’t go back because the industry is just too time consuming, and my babies need me right now. I do currently work part time for my dad selling whole sale beef jerky to mainly mom and pop stores, which I love, ( and there are plenty of stories to share )but the customer service guru in me wants a little more. So here I am.

This blog is called “the other side of the counter” because I no longer get to be the server. I’m now the customer. It’s way more fun being the customer, but I miss the control. People I’ve spoken to are often confused on what the expectations should be when interacting with a customer service person. Some have the “customer is always right ” mindset, and some will take whatever beat down is handed to them. I’m here to share my day to day experiences with customer service people and analyze the good and the bad of the interaction. I want you to get a good idea of what’s fair and right for both parties. I’ll also give shout outs to those who have been wonderful in their service in hopes they get some recognition and maybe some new customers. I also may call out some horror stories…..if they piss me off enough that is 😂.

To anyone who gives me a chance, thanks for reading. I’m certainly not the best writer, but I promise to share some good stories and give you something to think about.

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